Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fresh Produce Salad

Sundays mean Pearl Street Farmer's Market! I got there late last week and that was great because one of the farms does this great deal where you can fill an entire grocery bag with fresh produce for only $10! I did and look how much I got! 

It was tough to fit it all in my backpack but I made it work and got it all home safely!

Nothing says summer like a rainbow of fresh produce in your sink.

Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, turnip, beets, plums, nectarines, peaches and more!

Even a colander of peas, I thought they were sugar snap peas but they ended up being shelling peas. I shelled them out on the porch with Britney (like in the Southern olden days) and then blanched them by sticking them in boiling salty water for 30 seconds, could have been longer, and then cooled.

After all that hard work, these are all the peas I got.

Look at this huge bowl of fruit too, all part of the $10!! Sweet, seasonal and superb!

Here's the chopped salad I made with all the produce. I made a homemade delicious honey mustard dressing to top it off!

All the peas that I shelled

And another salad I made with the fresh produce for my book club (we read The Boy in the Moon by Ian Brown, super fascinating!)

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