Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Granby fun!

Last weekend I had yet another superb weekend in Granby with Pam, Rich, Suzal and a few new friends. These pictures are in a random order but they pretty much sum up the trip!

Suzal and I are having fun playing Rumikub, which I'm pretty good at---not that I'm bragging or anything because you never know when Pam or Rich are going to go out and leave you screwed with way too many tiles!

Rich in his "Man Room" tying flies (I think that's what they're called--the lure for fly fishing). 

The view never gets old. 

Especially with the great sunsets that bring shimmering pinks and purples to the mountain sides. 

I didn't think I was in this picture! Here are Suzal, Mike and I playing Rumikub. I really do love that game!
And here are Pam and I after we reached our destination of the Vagabond Ranch. We cross-country skied out there on Saturday morning with Rich (I think it was like 3 miles). How fun! And hot!! I stripped down to just that long sleeve shirt, no gloves even!

Me, Pam and Mike about to go snowboarding at Winter Park on Friday: clear blue sky with lots of sun! Pam kicked both of our butts though, she's crazy awesome!

Me and Mike on the mountain after I made my slow, and safe, way down a black diamond that had lots of powder and trees. Pam thought too highly of my skill level and I told her not to worry if it took me a while to get down the mountain. Well, I guess I took a long time and she ended up calling mountain patrol! Luckily I was just being my slow, cautious self and I eventually made it down and caught up with those two!

Suzal and I are about to climb into the cars to go to the Vagabond Ranch. Isn't she just an adorable snow bunny?!

Here's Suzal's ride into the Vagabond Ranch. She wasn't up to cross-country skiing in, so instead she got this on-the-snow-ride in! Take a look at those tires!!!

You are Here! Yes, we sure were! Rich and I were taking a little break, checking out the map and guessing our progress on the way into Vagabond Ranch. 
Pam and Rich really know how to kick a girl's butt! I never nap!!!
Here's Suzal showing off the great ranch. Since she rode into the ranch with the leader of the trip, she learned a little about how things go and ended up being the hostess for all the other couples who showed up later in the day. She gave tours, showed people to their beds and welcomed the guests with warmth and excitement! Everyone knew where to turn when they had a question or issue--like needing more toilet paper!

What a tasty dinner we had that night! Catered, handmade butternut squash raviolis and flour-less chocolate cake for dessert. Suzal and I were clearly enjoying ourselves!

Here are the three lovely ladies who made our tasty meal! While Suzal, Rich (due to feet pain) and I spent the afternoon in the ranch relaxing, the other crazies, including Pam of course, went back country skiing. They climbed up a crazy steep hill and then made their own trails coming back down. Even though I was personally exhausted after snowboarding on Friday and cross country skiing into the ranch earlier that day, I still felt like a lazy bum when these 60+ year olds came in from cross country skiing and told of their adventurous day! I was still very thankful for the wonderful meal even if I hadn't worked as hard as some of the others for it!

I love my girls!

Yep, I'm getting pretty good on the cross country skies! This was my third time cross country skiing; Sunday morning, Pam, Rich and I cross country skied back out from the ranch. I knew it was a bit downhill and assumed I'd be on my own on the way back since Pam and Rich were on a schedule and needed to get out of there like "bats out of hell." Rich had told me, "Don't be afraid to take your skies off and just walk down a hill. You're going to take a long time to get back." Well, I guess I surprised both of us, because I'd assumed he was right, when I made it back as fast as Pam did to the cars! This picture, to be honest, is posed. How would you know? Because when I was going downhill, I didn't look anywhere near as composed I do in this photo. Due to my lack of skiing experience, whenever a slightly downhill section appeared, I would crotch down and end up going super duper slow. Once, my ski tips crossed and I fell--and it was nearly flat! I need more practice :)

Me gusta la vida en Colorado! I love life in Colorado!

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