Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mixed Greens from a Salvaged Salad

Last week we had a family event and I took home some extra greens and carrots. They've sat in my fridge in a plastic bag for over a week now due to the excessive amounts of food in our fridge. Today I started worrying they would go bad and that I should use them. I grabbed a head of garlic from the garage (from Jill's garden), chives and basil from Jill's garden and sauteed them. I then added the chopped carrots and a zucchini (from Pam's garden). I let them cook for a while with some S & P & chili flakes. I added too many flakes because my lips are still burning. I then stuck the wilted and somewhat slimy greens into the pan and let them reduce down. I was SO impressed with myself. If you'd smelt the greens in the bag, I bet you would have thrown them out. I didn't and I took a risk with them. Luckily it was a good risk and they turned out delicious, if a bit spicy!!

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