Last weekend, the day after picking produce in Boulder with Pam, I joined a few AmeriCorps gals on a hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. Claire, my coworker, made it super easy for me to join them on the hike: we met and Britney's and my place and Claire drove us up there. She'd researched where she wanted to go and we just joined her. The only bummer was that I'd babysat super late the night before (I think till about 2AM) and we left super duper early that morning (I got up at 5:45AM). I was a bit sleep deprived to say the least but it was a blast. It was a gorgeous day and I made sure to make a point to everyone that it was my mom's birthday. When we sat and took a break we all said "Happy Birthday Mom!" The next hike we do needs to be a bit more difficult I told Claire because I'm ready to get sweaty and see beautiful sights. Here are some shots that Claire took with her super awesome camera:
Amy, on the right, in a panorama!
Coworker buddy shot: Me on the left and Claire on the right (in case it's hard to see haha)
Britney, me and Amy by a waterfall.
The four super intense hikers haha: Amy, Britney, me and Claire.
We all struck yoga poses: I was doing more of a ballet stretch while Amy was doing the tree pose and Britney was doing a slight back bend!!
YAY Colorado, so beautiful!!!
LOVE the new fonts!!! so classy & cute ahehhehehehahahahahhaohohohoh
click "robster claw" and see what happens!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAQHA XXXXXOOO