Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie and Goodies!

On Thursday night, Britney and I decided to hang out and have some fun. We rented the documentary "Babies"--a pretty cute movie and entertaining considering it's solely about babies being babies! I offered to make some homemade popcorn and warm apple cider. I bought some Martenelli's apple juice for a recipe, the apple pilaf if I recall correctly, and had the rest sitting in the fridge. 

Here's the apple cider. I just put the juice on the stove, heated it up and added some cinnamon and nutmeg. It was fantastic!!

HOMEMADE POPCORN! Britney said it was "OK" but I thought it was pretty great, probably more so because I made it myself rather than it being the best popcorn I've ever had in my whole entire life. The best popcorn I've ever had and would love to emulate was Elvia's in Ecaudor. I don't know how she made it almost perfect every single time, but that stuff was darn tasty and was never out of a bag. I still have plenty of kernels though so I can practice and get better and better, just like Elvia! :)

Yes, I realize this picture isn't about food, movies or goodies. Well, maybe it is a goodie. Our heat in our apartment hasn't worked since we moved in (but to be fair, we only just tried to turn it on last week when it snowed for the first time in Denver since I moved here!) and my window has no insulation. I decided to try an experiment and hung up this blanket with some tacks around the window to see if it will stop the cold air from coming into my room as harshly each night...experiment is still being tested!
And here is my lovely self taking a self-portrait at 7AM on Friday morning before David (my co-worker at the school) picked me up to go snowboarding. I just couldn't help myself considering how much freakin' pink I was wearing. I had the long-sleeved shirt, then I bought those pants that are like the exact same shade, at Target. I got the boots at a Good Will a month ago or so, and the socks were another gift from mom. The pink thing in the foreground is my bed spread, so yes I guess I'd say I like pink!! :D

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