Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chocolate Tasting Party

When Britney and I went to the Colorado Country Christmas gift show in November, we met Eileen, a Dove Chocolatier, who does Chocolate Tasting Parties at peoples' houses. She asked if I'd be interested in hosting a party, to which I said OF COURSE, but "how much does it cost?" It is FREE. So I climbed on board the chocolate train and got my party started. I decided to do an AmeriCorps Christmasy party. Eileen brought all the fixings, I supplies the fondue dippings (with the help of Alexis and David) and we ate some tasty food on this glorious December Sunday afternoon!
Can you believe these are all chocolate? Eileen, the Dove Chocolatier, made these with the chocolate dipping machine thing she has, so fancy!

I met up with two friends from Berkeley who are now living in Boulder on Friday and Emma gave me these beautiful flowers that were in her office3. I love seeing them on our kitchen table since I don't ever have flowers in our apartment.

Here are the flowers from another angle, they're so pretty I want you to really get a feel for how nice they are!

And I even have some Xmas decorations!

With some lights on a garland on our TV table!

And for the Chocolate Tasting Party, Eileen brought a few packages for display: one is of gingerbread cookie mix and chai tea mix, the other is of chocolate martini mix!

Here's an entire table of goodies!

Chocolate Fondue

Shopping in the Dove Chocolate magazines for goodies for Christmas presents!

An assortment of samples: chocolate mint bites, chocolate peanut butter bites, chocolate-cinnamon covered almonds, all so tasty!!

Pretzels with a cool whip vanilla spiced chai tea dipping spread! Salty AND sweet!

Chocolate covered graham crackers

Chocolate covered pretzels

Such a nice gift, right?!

Apples that were cinnamon spiced and then drizzled in white chocolate. Eileen recommended putting them in salads, which goes along nicely with Dove's recommended 3 servings of chocolate per day, one in each meal of the day!

Who wouldn't?!

This is where you can find all the goodies you may want to buy through a Dove Chocolatier!

Alexis: "I can't believe Missy is eating MY chocolate!" (we were sampling raspberry-Merlot flavored dipping chocolate and a mint dipping chocolate!)

Eileen is hooking Daina up with some dipping chocolate.

Jennifer and Alexis are enjoying the little chocolate cups filled with coffee-liquor! What a celebration we were having!

At the end, Eileen made some chocolate martinis that were very strong and very sweet. Luckily Jonathan and Jennifer really enjoyed them and helped us finish them up. 

All the dippings for the chocolate fondue: apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, marshmallows, chocolate cookies, brownies and vegan apple cake!! WAY too much food!

We had so many dippers we neded more chocolate!!!

Britney sure is enjoying her bite!

Eatin', chatin' and learning some geography (the world map is behind me on the wall).

I got some decorations for our apartment, finally, making it feel much more festive!

 With the ambiance lighting!
Frosty the Snowman is in 245 Bannock St!

The left over goodies from today's party!

Isn't he so cute? What a great decoration for a whole $2! Great Good Will purchase!


  1. Wow!! These chocolates are so mouth-watering. Want to have them as I love chocolates. Few days ago my friend arranged a chocolate tasting party at one of Los Angeles venues where she arranged best and delicious chocolates. I really enjoyed tasting each one.
